Thursday 30 January 2014

Change of Location

As mentioned in the last post, I'm finding it difficult to keep this blog as updated as I'd like, so I've created a Facebook page to cover the minutiae of Cheese's life with us. If you'd like to follow his adventures, the page is here: See you on the other side, maybe ;o)

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Photo Shoot #1, Fun and a Family Visit

I've really struggled to get any decent photos of Cheese awake and, seeing as I normally take LOTS of photos, had taken nowhere as many as I'd planned too, so I persevered and took some that I'm really pleased with  :o)

Cheese's new favourite pastime - cat wrangling!!

My little doggy family  <3
After an awful lot of effort on both parts, Moss and Cheese FINALLY worked out how to play tug together  :o)  Huge happiness on both sides!

A little video for the full sound effect ;o)

For an easily confused pup, life then got quite difficult as he had Moss shoving a toy in his face for more tuggy games whilst Casey decided to be pleasant to him for 5 minutes and wanted to make him play wrestling and racey chasey games!

Yesterday afternoon, Sophie and I took Cheese with us to visit my cousins and their fabulous daughter, Megan, who is petrified of dogs. Meg has been cooing over all of the Cheese photos and videos and decided that she was going to be terribly brave and meet him. I went armed with nearly all of his toys, just in case he decided to get nippy, but the pair of them were wonderful together  :o)  Meg held his lead to walk him down to the garden in an attempt to get him to wee (but we were thwarted by VERY EXCITING fallen apples!) and fed him treats and cuddled him when he was sleepy and played with him for ages. Cheese was mostly on his behaviour and did not do much nipping, apart from taking a bit of a fancy to Meg's tasty toes  ;o)

Meg and Cheese playing

Cheese was slightly stronger than Meg was expecting!

"Hello there, Food Man. Are you doing my tea?"

"Shhh. Don't tell him I'm here!"

Cuddles on the sofa with Meg and Jane

Cheese snoozing on his new favourite person friend
I'm finding it difficult to update this blog as often as I'd like, so I'm investigating more convenient options. When I find, I'll let you know  ;o)

Saturday 25 January 2014

Early Cheese achievements

So the little man came home on Wednesday and it's been busybusybusy since then!

The terrierists have decided that he needs to learn a bit of respect and he has accepted their instruction with a waggy tail and a bounce off to do something else until they decide he can be played with again. Although, yesterday, he answered back a bit with a loud bark. Lol!

He is already responding to his name.

He has had only one wee and one poo in the house and is brilliantly fast at performing when in the garden.

He's taking himself into his open downstairs crate for naps and has chosen to stay there, at times, rather than follow me around.

He's happy to wait downstairs with the stairgate shut if I have to pop upstairs.

He's eating well.

He's wonderful with the cats and has learnt that Summer needs more space than Mika after receiving a cat slap from her ;o)

He's happy to be redirected from nomming on things he shouldn't be.

He loves to nest all of the toys in the dog bed.

He's learned how to open presents.

He's getting better at travelling quietly in the car.

He's had a visit to Nanny's and decided that her grass is as acceptable to wee on as our's.

He had a visit to the hairdresser to accompany Sophie and he greeted everyone politely and with enthusiasm, wasn't phased by the noise of the hairdryers or the smell of the chemicals and snoozed happily on my lap.

We had friends visit us at home and he behaved beautifully, although slept through most of it!

He is proving to be incredibly entertaining and bags of fun to have around :o)

He's bonded very quickly to me and will seek me out for comfort and protection.

He's already the love of my life and I am just so very very glad that he is here :oD

Welcome Home, baby boy!

It wasn't looking good to start with! I managed to get only 3 hours of sleep on Tuesday night, my mum had misunderstood why I'd asked her to come so I had to drive there, the traffic leaving Bristol was awful, the weather on the M4 was utterly bizarre with alternating pockets of really heavy fog and glaring low sunshine, and then we needed to stop for a wee break!

Thankfully, we arrived only 10 minutes later than originally planned  :o)

Mum, Sophie and I spent an hour with Amanda and Ian going through all the paperwork and signing what needed signing, but my brain was on auto-pilot as the mantra running through it was just screaming "PUPPYPUPPYPUPPYPUPPYPUPPYPUPPY"  ;o)  It did sink in that his Kennel Club name is Tamazan Wensleydale :oD

And finally he was mine, all mine!

I carried him out to the car, posed for this photo........

.......popped him into the crate and settled down for the journey.

Unfortunately, Cheese's confusion and concern overwhelmed him and we were treated to a running commentary allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the way home about how he couldn't find his brother and sisters, how he was concerned that he might starve to death because the food lady wasn't with us, how he didn't like being in prison, how the prison was moving, how the treat bag didn't seem to be open often enough, etc etc  ;o)

He eventually settled to sleep 5 minutes from home, then promptly woke up and vomited his breakfast all over the crate!

Once we got home, Cheese had his first visit to our garden, where he met Mika with no bother at all  :o)  Moss came out to meet him, shoved a toy in his face, realised that he didn't know how to play "tug" and ignored him. Casey came out to meet him, fell in love and spent the next hour trying to get him to play "chase around the table"  :o)

Apparently, the sofa is the mountain that he is most desperate to climb but, for the moment, he needs some assistance, so he persuaded Nanny to help him....

It became apparent that he desperately needed a snooze, so he was popped into his crate where he lodged only a brief objection before falling fast asleep :o)

He woke up a different puppy!! He strutted up to Casey, playbowed her and off they all went playing racey chasey games!!

I was just gobsmacked to see them all playing like this less than 2 hours after his arrival. He is SO what we all needed :o)

After such a busy day, he spent the evening napping....

Bedtime came around and it was hard work! He doesn't really 'do' crying, only top of the lungs howling and that is precisely what he did for a full hour before giving in to sleep. 2 minutes later, Jacob went downstairs to make himself some supper and came back upstairs singing loudly >:o(  Another 20 minutes of howling followed (from Cheese, not Jacob ;o) ). 10 minutes later, I had to go to the toilet. By now, it was 1am and the next half hour of howling nearly killed me. I took him out for a wee and decided to give everyone a break by taking him into bed. He lay on his back, passed out and snored till 6.30! I know all the complications I could be causing myself, but after only 3 hours of sleep the night before, it was more important to me that I got more sleep than won a battle with a 7 week old puppy :oP Besides, half an hour after waking, he was asleep again, in his downstairs crate, so I snoozed on the sofa and we had another 2 hours of sleep. There's plenty of time for battles when I'm not so tired.....

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Final Update......

..........on the boy and his siblings whilst he is still with them  ;o)

30 days old and possibly the cutest puppy photo ever!

35 days old and they're growing like snuggly weeds

38 days old and they're venturing into the outside world!

38 days old and that's a little Cheese boy sitting quietly by the fence

42 days old and that helicopter tail has been generated by the excitement of spotting a leaf!

42 day old busy busy pups

44 days old and my how they've grown!

45 days old and overnight they've turned into Andrex puppies!!

45 days old and 7 out of 10 puppies know how to say "cheeeeeeeese"  ;o)

47 day old charge of the light yellow brigade

47 days old and it's Microchipping Day

47 days old and you just have to feel sorry for Connie now!

Meanwhile, back in Brizzle, I've been cleaning and DIYing like mad to make sure that any niggly jobs are done and out of the way before he comes home, so that I don't have to feel guilty whilst I sit and snuggle him all day long  ;o)  The stairgates are up and the bedroom crate is ready. A bag of puppy food is sat in the cupboard. Meat is in the fridge, as is a large supply of squeezy cheese. A fleece puppy coat arrived in the post this morning. Puppy collars have tags on and his lead has been clipped beside Moss and Casey's.....

I'm just waiting on a text to say that the playpen has arrived so that I can set that up in the lounge and then I'm done!

Unbelievably, ridiculously bonkers to have to say that the next update will be brought to you from our home when our family has been increased by one!